It's not always easy being an inter-generational "lesbian" couple.
Actually, it is easy, and rather fun, but what's hard sometimes is striving to be hip enough to merit the title. People see us and have high expectations, you know? So, here we are, two not-always-so-cool queers, out on a path of self-discovery, a journey that will teach us about culture, customs, and most importantly, how to be hip.
So if you want to follow our adventures, or are curious about becoming hip yourself, we will be sharing tales (written in a moleskin and posted via an iPad btw) about what truly matters in this world; namely good food, photography, playing obscure songs on the ukulele (or perhaps purchasing some kind of local instrument like a sitar), locating vegetarian and vegan optional food stalls, reviewing budget guest houses, enjoying nature while trying not to destroy it, and keeping all our Mac products more protected than our passports.
But for now our ice coffees are waiting.
I think you both are hip and cool pretty much all the time. But then again, I have a penchant for snuggling in bed with my girlfriend at 7pm with decaffeinated tea and an easy read, so my hip/cool-ometer is a little skewed.